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El estudio de la CESPAP sobre desastres naturales en Asia y el Pacífico 2014 urge mayor cooperación regional para hacer frente a los desastres transfronterizos

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informes-unuEn 2014, más de la mitad de los 226 desastres naturales del mundo se produjo en la región de Asia y el Pacífico, afectando aproximadamente a 79,6 millones de personas.

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Nuevo informe de la ONU: Invertir en agua para evitar conflictos

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invertir-enEl nuevo informe "El agua en el mundo que queremos", elaborado por el Instituto de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas para el agua, el medio ambiente y la salud (UNU-INWEH), en colaboración con la Asociación Mundial para el Agua y la Universidad McMaster de Canadá, advierte que, a falta de importantes nuevas inversiones relacionadas con el agua, muchas sociedades en todo el mundo pronto enfrentarán el aumento de conflictos por el recurso más esencial de la vida.

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Ecosystem Approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): A Review of Transboundary Basins

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Ecosystem Approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): A Review of Transboundary Basins

Dimple Roy, Jane Barr, Henry David Venema, UNEP-DHI, 2011.

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) combines land and water management through

broad-based stakeholder participation to realize multiple co-benefits in watersheds. The potential for IWRM in transboundary watersheds throughout the world is highly significant, since approximately 40% of the world’s population lives in river and lake basins that comprise two or more countries (UNWater 2008).

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Comisión Económica para América Latina

Concerns surrounding transfer pricing have long been recognized by ECLAC. The issue came to light in the 1950s in connection with the difficulties Latin American countries faced in terms of widening deficits in their trade  balance and balance of payments. One cause of these deficits was the overvaluation of imports and undervaluation of exports in transactions in goods and services between companies that had an international relationship (parent companies and their affiliates in the countries of the region), which had a negative impact on our economies’ external-sector accounts.

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